In our hearts your memory lingers,
Sweetly, softly, tender, true.
There is not a day dear friend
That we do not think of you.
Susan Abel Patton
Rodney Apple
Robert Austin
Jack Barrett
Alan Baxley
Martin Beard
Rebecca Birch Rocchio
Paul Bodnaruk
William Borrer
William Boston
Donald Bradford
Gary Burr
William Carroll
Lucinda Corbin
Patricia Cox
James Cravens
Deborah Creamer
Philip Dickens
Robert Dickman
Martha Dicus
Raymond Douglas
Jayeanne Ducote Hobbs
James Gillespie
William Hall
James Hickok
Erica Huskey
Gary Hutchison
Bruce Lear
Jerry Letson
Guy McCombs
Joyce Meletti Bettendorf
Martha Mercer Feeney
Janet Milko
Ward Miller
Barry Nicholson
Ronald Powell
William Skidmore
John Smith
Linda Smith
Kathleen Southerd Barnes
Linda Spegal
Paul Steadman
Linda Tenza Waggoner
Paul Trammel
Bill Turner
Robert Warsing
John Wilson
Gary Yeida
Marie Young Smith