Fairfax High School Class of 1967
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Joe Foley
It’ll be great to see everyone again - from our early Fx Little League days to those whom I’ve run into working in DC. Looking forward to rehashing our days of surfing the OC, seeing the Beatles at RFK, motorcycle racing at Summit Point, the backyard boxing matches, HS fraternity dances, attending Woodstock, and all things Fairfax.
After a BA in history from Elon (thanks Mom!), I worked several years for the FL state health department. Received my MA from American University’s foreign service school while working 6 yrs on the Floor of the US House of Representatives for a Florida Democrat in the 70s. Subsequently conducted legislative affairs as an appointee for two Presidents - with the Carter WH and in several Reagan agencies.
Married Adrienne of Bethesda 40 yrs ago. She’s a federal PTSD/TBI medical case manager RN caring for our wounded warriors. We have two married sons. Brendan lives nearby in MD and battles invasive computer ‘bots’ for a living. Corey’s a Memphis exec recruiter and has produced our first granddaughter - Carolina Quinn who’s now four.
Established Foley Federal & International Affairs Inc. over 30 years ago after my government work. Currently concentrating on post-Balkans war issues. Directed the founding of the 40 member Congressional Croatian Caucus in '05. Drafted the bill for Congress that successfully recommended Croatia for NATO in '09. Also ran for a seat in the MD state legislature, which was a lot of fun. I still play ball and continue to coach the Democrats in the annual charity Congressional Baseball Game at Nats Park - for 43 years now. Also enjoy playing guitar with friends, hiking with Adrienne, and, at times, some mediocre golf.
Many thanks to our Reunion Committee for their incredible dedication over so many yrs!
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