Fairfax High School Class of 1967
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Russell Marshall
I was born on April 13, 1949 at 5:29 PM. The first words out of my mouth were "what's for dinner?" I grew up in Annandale, then Fairfax. I got a BA in Economics at Virginia Tech and had further graduate work at George Washington University. I had a career as a manager of Economists and Computer Systems Analysts for the federal government and various federal contractors for 35 years.
I was formerly married for about 30 years. That came to an end a few years ago. I have one son and 2 granddaughters in high school.
While crossing the street, I was struck by a car in 2008 and the doctors did not expect me to live through that night. Well here I am and screw 'em if they can't take a joke. I retired on disability and now live with my mother, who is about 87 years old. I spend my days studying the impending economic meltdown. I guess that's why they call economics the dismal science. :)
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