Fairfax High School Class of 1967
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Elaine Black Laux
I am happily retired and live in North Carolina after a career in the pharmaceutical industry, ending as VP of Quality for a company in Massachusetts. I am lucky to be married to Steve Laux and have three children and four grandsons. I travelled extensively for my career in Asia, UK, and Europe, spending many months at a time in Japan at various sites preparing companies for FDA inspections. My husband worked for Alcatel and was lucky enough to be posted in Paris which is absolutely my favorite city in the world. I can never get enough time in Paris, although I rather like Lyon as well. I will not attend the reunion as my son requires surgery and it has been scheduled for that time. Our daughters both live near us so we are fortunate to have so much time with them and the grandsons. I am busier in retirement than when I was working. That was a big surprise. Please friend me on Facebook or send an email. I'd love to hear from you. Several of us from FHS have already found each other on FB.
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