Fairfax High School Class of 1967
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Tom Hudgins
Pam Hartwell and I were married in August of 1970. We moved from Fairfax to Fredericksburg, Virginia in 1983. We are both retired, although she works part-time now and then. I retired from the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority, and Pam retired from Spotsylvania County Park and Recreation. We had 3 wonderful children and have 4 grandchildren, all boys. We spend the majority of our free time going to soccer, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, and track events. Sorry, I forgot football. Our son-in-law coaches at our local high school and our oldest grandson plays JV football. Our vacations and holidays are usually spent as a family of 13. Pam and I are really looking forward to our 50th reunion. We had so much fun at the 45th. It was so exciting to see friends, some we had not seen since graduation. Bob Austin and I were roommates, our sophomore year at Clemson. We really had not seen each other until our 45th. Sure, we would text each other during football games. I am so thankful we both saw each other at our 45th. Unfortunately, Bob passed away in 2014 and I will not see him at our 50th. So please, come see your friends at our reunion. Time is running out. Stan Wheeler, and David Rowland, I sure hope we will see you guys again.
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