Fairfax High School Class of 1967
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Doug Carlton
Retired to Lewes, Delaware after 42 years of developing and managing software and systems supporting satellites for NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center (Hubble Space Telescope, ERBS, GRO, NCCC), Hughes Network Systems (Spaceway), and Boeing (GPS). Enjoy living at the beach and always go to the Watkins Glen Vintage Grand Prix Festival every September. Love vintage sports car racing.
Married 42 years to Jeannie and have one son, Jeff.
Attended UVa, UNM, and GWU, with a BS in Mechanical Engineering and graduate work in Computer Science with Computer Graphics emphasis. Received a Technical Excellence award for SpaceCam, a real-time 3D visualization program used to monitor the Gamma Ray Observatory (GRO). Member of Tau Beta Pi.
I hate my FHS yearbook picture, so the picture on the left is me on my first day of work after graduating from UNM, 1972.
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